While assaying a volunteer position at Volunteer Match today, I was dismayed to learn of Caffeine Awareness Alliance (CAA), an anti-brigade which counsels people to stay away from cafés. The organization is a
non-profit grassroots organization committed to educating consumers about the dangers caffeine intoxication and dependencyNot someone who simply dismisses adversaries for their disagreeable beliefs, I went on to read details of their cause. Turns out, there are lots of foolish ones out there misuse, abuse and get addicted to comforting coffea.
And its not just coffee; your intake of caffeine accounts the chocolate, soft drink, functional energy drink, beauty products, caffeinated water, frozen dessert and over-the-counter drugs you consume each day. I am pleased to report that I used the Caffeine Calculator, and came with under 200mgs of caffeine in a day.
I knew a colleague during my client servicing days at a JWT who was a caffeine addict. She had given standing instructions to the server in our section of the office to bring her a cup of black coffee every hour after 9am, with a break for lunch, and then continue onwards till she left. Clients can sometimes be very demanding on ad agencies; so staying back till 9-10pm was not uncommon. It boggles me to imagine the measure of stimulants she was retaining!
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