Saturday, April 2, 2011

Inst a Java

Habitually, I prepare my caffeinic mug late afternoon, when that 2:30 feeling is creeping up on me. It makes for two double espresso shots, which ensures that I stay awake until dinner, and not zonk out on the keyboard.
I made the usual measure, poured out the first double espresso shot, leaving the second dose on the Mug Warmer for demolishing evening sluggishness.
Work engrossed me more than I realized, so by the time I left my desk late in the night, the coffee had condensed to paste at the bottom of the pot. I was tempted to add some cream and sugar, and sample this residual shot. (I refrained from taking the bait).
Instead, I decided to investigate on the question which had materialized in my head - How is Instant Coffee produced?
Wikipedia says
Instant coffee is commercially prepared by either freeze-drying or spray drying, after which it can be rehydrated. states
In 1906, English chemist George Constant Washington, invented the first mass-produced instant coffee. Washington was living in Guatemala and at the time when he observed dried coffee on his coffee carafe, after experimenting he created "Red E Coffee" - the brand name for his instant coffee first marketed in 1909.

Appears that I also stumbled on the same path as George C Washington, a century too late though. Hmmph! The experiments shall relentlessly continue, until I have something which can be patented. Any bright ideas you have? I'm open to partnering with someone equally adventurous.